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NACS Cabling

Whelp.  With CCS dying in the US. We *really* need OpenEVSE to source an NACS cable or connector for existing OpenEVSE units.

Just opening the discussion. :-)

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We have a couple left from the initial 10 and the remaining 90 are on a boat.

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Need an extra guinea pig pig?   I have an OpenEVSE 50A + suitable wiring + a Rivian R1T + a NACS -> J177s adapter + and a cable I need to replace that's probably only should be doing 32A.

@openEVSE Support  send me one man...  tell me what i owe you lol..   

@pir8radio & Alexander Give me a day or two and I will create the store product listing. At the moment the cables are options on the Kit Bundle and Station. 

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Will the NACS cables support the RF signal to open charge port door? 


Sure does. The VCC line connects to 3.3v. The easiest spot to tap is the WiFi / WiFi LCD module.

There are also NTC temperature lines for each power line. We will add circuits on ADC pins in the future to monitor pin temperaturte.

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Here is the NACS cable by itself in the store. We currently have 5 available flown in and 90 on the way.

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My NACS assembled unit arrived about an hour ago. Not sure if I was part of the very first batch, but I should be able to test it tonight, assuming my friend with a Tesla is able to stop by.

I feel like I'm way too excited about a car charger :P

So I had setup a salvage tesla cable before and used the power from the wifi for the 3.3v, I have units with out that wifi voltage converter.  where can I order more of them?  I can't seem to find that small of inline ones anywhere. 


Just to confirm, I did get the units installed (one NACS, one J1772). Both worked for my test at 24A/5.7kW for at least a half hour. Now on to the HA integration and setting charging based on live hourly TOU pricing! :D

Sean: sidenote, I would recommend the community integration for HA instead of the official one.

Agreed the HA integration is great. The "official" one is super old and not maintained by whoever created it (was not OpenEVSE). firstof9 has been attempting to make his integration the official version and has the support of OpenEVSE.

That is the one I'm using! In fact, I also tried (and will continue to) get the HA community to adopt it as the official integration.

Right now it's broken because I have the new LCD, and the version info isn't in the expected format (sem-ver?). I can read data, but changing values throws an error. Any word on firmware updates yet?

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BTW, my buddy that tested the NACS charger said its wireless "open charge port" button on the OpenEVSE worked more reliably than his Tesla charger at home. :)

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