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Retrofitting a JuiceBox

I have an old JuiceBox Classic 40a that just died, I believe its the main control board.

I'd like to retrofit the JuiceBox with the OpenEVSE controller. What parts from the openevse store would I need to do the retrofit? (beyond the controller)  I want to do a simple retrofit for now, until I get to ordering more parts for a second openevse.

One note: my Juicebox is not standard. Its been modified as I didn't want to keep the evse outdoors. 

I've been using it with a tetherless outdoor Type2 outlet. with a Type2-Type1 cable for my i3 and 500e

The plan is to have a 2nd complete openevse set up to use a tetherless outlet as well.

1 Comment

The minimum hardware required to upgrade the Juicebox electronics would be:

OpenEVSE Controller

GFCI coil

LED display

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