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Retrofitting a JuiceBox

I have an old JuiceBox Classic 40a that just died, I believe its the main control board.

I'd like to retrofit the JuiceBox with the OpenEVSE controller. What parts from the openevse store would I need to do the retrofit? (beyond the controller)  I want to do a simple retrofit for now, until I get to ordering more parts for a second openevse.

One note: my Juicebox is not standard. Its been modified as I didn't want to keep the evse outdoors. 

I've been using it with a tetherless outdoor Type2 outlet. with a Type2-Type1 cable for my i3 and 500e

The plan is to have a 2nd complete openevse set up to use a tetherless outlet as well.

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The minimum hardware required to upgrade the Juicebox electronics would be:

OpenEVSE Controller

GFCI coil

LED display

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With Enel X Way closing their doors, you might just get more interest with this.
I bought a JuiceBox 40 this summer, this might be an interesting project.  Admittedly I have not touched electronics in a while, so any pointers or ideas are definitely welcome.

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There are now a choice of two direct replacement boards for Juiceboxes.

A very easy and affordable retrofit, see the OpenEVSE parts store (ALL).

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Replying to @OpenEVSESupport We could do it a few ways: position the OpenEVSE WiFi LED to use the same light pipe or hole. Use the OpenEVSE RGB LED Hack the OpenEVSE RGB LED remove the LED and use the Red Green Blue and 0V lines I like the latter. What would the cost be to take the openevse RGB LCD and add the appropriate surface mount ffc connector as a test run? I had considered a Frankenstein board or just a direct solder replacement for now.

This direct replacement retrofit option is great... Excellent work Chris!!!

I just bought two of the retrofit kits, one for my old juicebox and one for the juicebox that my dad bought last year.  

However, I wish I knew these were being worked on when I ordered the full OpenEVSE kit a couple months ago. Then I could've just waited a bit saved myself several hundred bucks :( 

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