I had the EXACT same issue as Timothy a few moments ago, and his solution of simply noticing the /update page worked and uploading the same firmware for the second time fixed me up as well.
Thanks for documenting both the problem and the solution, Timothy.
My OpenEVSE and WiFi firmware were the exact same versions - 3.11.3 and 1.0.3, respectively.
Thanks, Al;
I'm gonna spring for the OpenEVSE Programmer, and try to update my firmware (Windows 10, BTW).
I had a similar experience last year when attempting to update the ESP8266 WiFi firmware from 2.8.2 to (some version <2.9.0). My solution involved flashing the Atmel's firmware from 3.11 to 5.01 at the same time. Because I don't work with this kind of hardware regularly, I need to keep notes for reference, and I documented my journey here:
The 2015-era "updating firmware" guide at https://openevse.dozuki.com/Guide/How+to+Load+OpenEVSE+Firmware+(WinAVR)/7 is Windows-centric, so my notes above translate to a (Ubuntu) Linux recipe that led to success here.
Within the last two weeks, I have subsequently used the webUI to update the ESP8266's firmware to 2.9.0, then 2.9.1, without further incident.
Reloaded the firmware, and it works fine now
The RAPI Get-Version shows a tad more info than the 3.11.3
$GV >$OK 3.11.3 1.0.3
dinking around, I have found the /update and /rapi sub-pages, so I can certainly easily try to downgrade the WiFi firmware if that is required, although I'd prefer to stay on the latest if possible.
The #system and #services URLs are not available, however, and still show only the "Loading, please wait... (/)".
I got Glyn's email earlier today that the WiFi firmware version 2.9.1 was released. I thought "what the heck, why not?" and so logged into the OpenEVSE Wifi page, and uploaded the bin file. I did not note the previous firmware version, but I do recall upgrading it once or twice before since the purchase in 3/2017. It has been at least a year, I believe, since I did so.
After the upload finished, the webpage did not come back, but I did find the OpenEVSE_XXXXXX SSID. I hit that, and put it back on the home SSID, and it grabbed its reserved IP without issue.
Webpage now says only "Loading, please wait... (/)". Restarts and power cycles do not change this.
My EVSE Hardware from my order confirmation in 3/2017 is "OpenEVSE Kit - Level1 & Level2 50A Deluxe", and the EVSE firmware level (From the restart menu) is 3.11.3.
I found an earlier post here that mentioned that the minimum firmware level for WiFi is 4.8.0, but mine was working fine prior to this upgrade.
Do I need to
Pictures are available if they'll help.