The cable we sell in the OpenEVSE store, is the best we have found to date. It has twin conductors for each hot to keep the cable diameter very thin, which helps a lot in the extreme cold.
@Pir8radio, The cable is UL listed at 48A. The cable ampacity ratings do not usually list cables with 105C insulation.
does your nacs use the same cable? woulding mind having one of each that match.. make my ocd happy.
The NACS has single 9AWG for each hot. It is still a thin and flexible cable though with a similar diameter.
Various code requirements aside. Does a silicone jacketed EVSE 48A cable exist? I have tried many, some have silicone inner conductors but all have a particular jacket that I assume is required to meet various code requirements. Ignoring that for the purpose of answering this basic question, "does one exist and do you have a link if so". I don't care to hear opinions about scuff resistance etc.. :-) Just looking for a fully silicone jacketed evse cable. Any one seen one in your internet travels?
Tired of frozen stiff evse cables lol.. The closest I have found are the two in the background on my openevse converted chargepoint evse.. those even stiffen up on the jacket.