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Update Firmware

Hi guys,

I bought a kit last week , i installed it and it works very well.

OpenEVSE Wifi firmware is version "v5.1.0_modified". 

I saw that there is a new wifi firmware (v5.1.1) 

I downloaded it but when i want to install it by the web interface :

I get : Firmware update in progress and it stay like that until i close it ( I wait more than 10 minutes) 

Any suggestion about this ? how to update ? 


We are working on a procedure to repartition the flash memory to provide more space for larger firmware. For now stay on 5.1.0. 

5.1.1 is a bugfix for the Olimex Ethernet Gateway, it provides nothing to the TFT LCD.

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I see firmware 5.1.2 is out now but I am also "stuck" on 5.1.0_modified, is there a ETA on the procedure to repartition the flash memory?



The current repartition process for the TFT LCD in the short term requires a USB => Serial adapter and esptools (requires Python and pyserial). 

Download the 5.1.2 - openevse_wifi_tft_v1.bin, bootloader_16mb.bin and partitions_16mb.bin from

Connect the module to the USB => Serial adapter, then put the module in bootloader mode by holding BOOT and then pressing RESET then release BOOT

Run the command:

esptool --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_size=detect 0x1000 bootloader_16mb.bin 0x8000 partitions_16mb.bin 0x10000 openevse_wifi_tft_v1.bin

Brilliant thanks, I have USB => serial adaptor and esptools so will have a go this evening

I keep getting "Failed to connect to Espressif device: No serial data received. "  

Not sure what the issue is I've tried in Linux, Windows and two different USB => Serial devices.  Device appears to be in download mode as screen has gone blank?

Nevermind, I thought maybe it wasn't getting enough power via the usb => serial 3.3v so I applied power via the connector, however the wire slipped off and touched something and now it won't turn on at all so I've had to order a replacement
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