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OpenEVSE module is missing. Please check your setup before going further


I received and built my OpenEVSE 5.6 kit 2 month ago.

But, when I go to the web console, I got an error message "OpenEVSE module is missing. Please check your setup before going further".

The FTDI cable seems OK and everything is connected using the documentation :

On developper console I can see the message "OpenEVSE not responding or not connected" repeatidly.
On OpenEVSE Console, I see the characters "$GV^35"

Thank you for your help

This error means the communications link between the WiFi card and the controller is not working.

Is the station functioning?

 Yes the station is functionning.

 Yes, the station is functionning.

Okay, it is probably a physical issue on the 6pin connector between the WiFi module and the controller module such as a bent pin in one of the connectors, a wire pressed out of the connector, a loose connection, etc.

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Thanks for your answer.

I tried to use an USB-UART adapter to connect to the WiFi card : I don't have any serial data.

Also tried with another cables and tried to use another connector on the wifi module (developer one) : same error.

So, it must be related to the module itself.

Is there a way to get a new one ? (I tried to open a support ticket but no response for 2 months)


Did you change the firmware? We load the firmware over the serial port, so it has to work to receive the default firmware.

If you loaded a .dev firmware the Development serial port is enabled, and the ports are switched. This is the firmware theat the TFT LCD screen with WiFi should be running:

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I have firmware 5.1.0

I tried to upgrade firmware but didn't succeed, tried differents methods :

- Web : upgrade stuck at 99%

- "Curl" : I have an "error 4" and upgrade fails

- platformio / esptool : I have error "no serial data received" using an USB-UART adapter.

I think it may be related to this bug :

I ordered a new TFT LCD screen.

This time I am able to update the firmware to 5.1.2 with web interface, so no more firmware problem.

My OpenEVSE module is flashed on version 8.2.3 (EU version).

I still have same error : "OpenEVSE not responding or not connected"


 I ordered and received a new TFT screen. I am able to upgrade firmware but I still have same error message : "OpenEVSE module is missing. Please check your setup before going further"

Firmware on TFT Wifi is 5.1.2.

@Regis This means the serial communications between the controller and display is not working. Ensure TX and RX are not reversed. 

This was the solution. I had to switch tx and rx on the cable i received, and now it's working. 

Some other users can have the same problem because I received the cable as is.

Only one of my 2 EV cars starts charging, but it seems to be another problem...

Thanks for your help.

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