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Update firmware on and old(er) OpenEVSE

Hi, i have an openevse w/wifi purchased in Sept 2017:

"Ultimate OpenEVSE Kit Bundle - Level2 40A × 1 / Add WiFi"

I have never updated any firmware, and have recently become the proud owner of the programmer so I would like to update. So here's what I have now according to the web GUI:



Firmware: 3.11.3

Protocol: 1.0.3


Firmware: 2.7.4

My questions are: Do I update the wifi first (which is, as i understand it, is simply feeding it a file thru the web i/f).

For the wifi: is this the right place to get its firmware for my (old) unit?

And for the OpenEVSE itself, the instructions say to go here:

and get  "for your OpenEVSE product and your desired configuration". I'm not sure what that means? Do I need to know what V of my hardware I have? Or do I just go the the latest stable...

And from there, I would guess, then, I'm looking for the file openevse.hex (as I'm in the US) -- right?


We would recommend replacing the WiFi card with the ESP32 chip running 5.1.0. The older ESP8266 WiFi with version 2.9.1 is very old and no longer maintained or supported.

On the OpenEVSE controller side we would recommend 8.2.2.

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is there a danger (of breaking the unit) by updating just the controller firmware while sticking on the old wifi? My wi-fi hasn't ever given me any troubles, lo these many years :-)

If you update one you should update both.

We do not test old WiFi firmware with new controller firmware or the reverse new WiFi with old controller firmware.

Is there a particular issue with your controller firmware you are trying to resolve? If things are working well then the best thing may just to leave both as they are.

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