Hi, Is there a easy way to add a voltage sensor like zmPT101Bto the Openevse instead of feeding voltage data via mqtt?
Both the arduino and the esp32 should easily be able to interact with the sensor so this should be a easy addition with the right software.
Any help/ideas appreciated. i have seen some posts about a custom controller board etc for openevse, but it will be easier to diy with something cheap like the zmPT101B can be intergrated somehow.
The other more complex option i am thinking of is to have a separate esp32 interacting with the zmPT101B both sitting in the openevse case and then both connecting to wifi separately and then interacting via a public mqtt broker or something.
I have voltage data via mqtt when using the openevse at home but trying to get a more accurate voltage reading when charging at working.
Any ideas or pointers much appreciated.
1 Comment
OpenEVSE Support
11 months ago
Here is a post from 6 years ago using the same sensor.
Hi, Is there a easy way to add a voltage sensor like zmPT101B to the Openevse instead of feeding voltage data via mqtt?
Both the arduino and the esp32 should easily be able to interact with the sensor so this should be a easy addition with the right software.
Any help/ideas appreciated. i have seen some posts about a custom controller board etc for openevse, but it will be easier to diy with something cheap like the zmPT101B can be intergrated somehow.
The other more complex option i am thinking of is to have a separate esp32 interacting with the zmPT101B both sitting in the openevse case and then both connecting to wifi separately and then interacting via a public mqtt broker or something.
I have voltage data via mqtt when using the openevse at home but trying to get a more accurate voltage reading when charging at working.
Any ideas or pointers much appreciated.