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"Heartbeat failed"

Getting a series of "Heartbeat failed" messages in the debug console when logged into the WiFi

Brand new OpenEVSE 8.2.2 firmware, WiFi 5.0.0

I have been experiencing intermittent slow / non-charging behavior with my car so I wonder if this is indicative of a problem of some sort.

Example with car (2015 Kia Soul EV+ with all factory updates applied) connected with charge complete:

Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed
Heartbeat failed


Heartbeat is unrelated and not fully enabled yet. Firmware release 8.2.3 has heartbeat hard-coded enabled, but OpenEVSE is waiting for a way to enable/disable before loading on all stations.

It is desirable in some cases (mostly commercial) where Automation is required to control the station, for example a paid station connected to OCPP.  It would prevent the station from charging if WiFi was not actively responding. 

However, this is not desirable (for most home use) if the station does not have WiFi or WiFi control is not mandatory. Some users want the station to charger regardless if WiFi is actively responding. Waking up in the morning to a partially charged vehicle is not ideal for someone with a commute.

Same issue here, I downgraded tot 4.22 and charging works again.

Anyone how to disable heartbeat usting 8.2.2

The 5.0.0 firmware has a selection for "Default State". It is selected in the Setup Wizard or the Configuration page under EVSE.

If you select Active, the station will start charging automatically.

If you select Disabled the station will sleep until activated manually.

If your station is not charging when you expect it to, please check this setting.

okm thx will try that setting and follow up

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