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repair Controller?

so the OpenEVSE stopped working after a day of lighting storms, and did find blown fuses, but that was not enough to get it working again.

still dead, did not find any damaged components.

We did not see an option to buy a new controller board in the store, is it possible to get this one repaired?

version 5

will it work without the wifi board?  that also might be dead.

so my brother ordered a new controller and LCD, but because the controller is v5.5 he needs to  change the setting for it to work with his relay.  but he can't get logged into the wifi, reset it and he sees the SSID  GoPlug _XXXX but  the password openevse does not work. is there a different password?

Hi Cindy,

Did you ever get this working? I also had a lightning strike and my controller was broken at inside when I opened my EVSE.  I was going to buy a OpenEVSE v5.5 - Universal EVSE Controller but wondered if it would work with my OpenEVSE I bought in 2019.  Was any of the other parts broken in your EVSE after the lightning strike?  How did you know to buy a new LCD?

I submitted support ticket and so far after 3 days no response.  Also called OpenEVSE and their voicemail box is full and you cannot leave a message.


never got a reply here or on ticket, My brother ordered a new controller and LCD,  the damaged unit was version 5 and the new parts were version 5.5, the LCD was different but also the connector to wifi module was different and had to buy a connector to get that connected, wound out buying a new wifi module anyways as he could not log into it.  We did not get beyond this yet, but there is a setting that needs to be changed on controller to be able to turn on the older style relays, maybe you can ask them to configure it before they ship it to you.

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for the reply.  I wondered if OpenEVSE is still in business since they aren't answering phone calls or support tickets?  

If I decide to stick with my OpenEVSE, I will probably just buy the Advanced Series kit for $300 and get all new parts and reuse my cables.  But they are on back order for at least a month. 

Otherwise I guess I will go with a different brand.



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