I've been using my OpenEVSE since November 2012. (It was built in the early days, at a build event Chris Howell organized in Orange County.)
After nine years of trouble-free service, it recently stopped working with the message "evse error vent required" displaying during POST.
The onboard power supply outputs 12vdc and 5vdc when tested with a multimeter. The firmware is on v7.1.3. (I replaced the TVS diode, but that didn't do anything to help.)
I'm hoping one of the brilliant minds reading this post might suggest a board-level component I should test for failure.
1 Comment
OpenEVSE Support
over 3 years ago
Nice to hear from you Harry, we are glad your station has given you many years of service. The vent required error comes on if the pilot is below 3v. We would guess the +12v -12v DC/DC convertor has gone bad.
Harry N