T7QC is a custom designation for OpenEVSE designed part which based on the CR8450-1000. The custom OpenEVSE part is available through the OpenEVSE store. It is not available directly through CR Magnetics or its distributors.
ok. Thank you.
@OpenEVSE Support
What are the differences between the custom and the standard part?
Could you share the CR8450-1K-T7QC datasheet?
I noticed the following differences so far.
The conductor insulation is rated to 105C as required for EVSE use, the length is about double the stock coil and is containerized with a semi locking connector.
The electrical properties are not different from the stock part.
Is there a part number for the GFCI CT as well?
The GFCI coil is a custom part based on the CR8420-1000-G with longer leads, a 5 turn test coil, connectors and upgraded temperature insulation to meet the required 105°C for EVSE.
Victor Miranda
OpenEVSE documentation says that the Current Measurement transformer part number is CR8450-1K-T7QC.
But the closest manufacturer part number is CR8450-1000:
What does the trailing T7QC code mean?