The GFCI coil is a custom part based on the CR8420-1000-G with longer leads, a 5 turn test coil, connectors and upgraded temperature insulation to meet the required 105°C for EVSE.
Is there a part number for the GFCI CT as well?
The conductor insulation is rated to 105C as required for EVSE use, the length is about double the stock coil and is containerized with a semi locking connector.
The electrical properties are not different from the stock part.
ok. Thank you.
@OpenEVSE Support
What are the differences between the custom and the standard part?
Could you share the CR8450-1K-T7QC datasheet?
I noticed the following differences so far.
T7QC is a custom designation for OpenEVSE designed part which based on the CR8450-1000. The custom OpenEVSE part is available through the OpenEVSE store. It is not available directly through CR Magnetics or its distributors.
Victor Miranda
OpenEVSE documentation says that the Current Measurement transformer part number is CR8450-1K-T7QC.
But the closest manufacturer part number is CR8450-1000:
What does the trailing T7QC code mean?