Ok, I fund the problem, if I set a timer, I'm not able to override with the RAPI. I would like to keep the timer, but send commands to override it when I need to! Not Possible?
Thank You
Had the same problem. $F1 works. But Soloam Reg: where do you get these "secret" rapi commands from? All I got is what's displayed in the page at /#rapi. There are even some more undocumented commands, like the one to retrieve the timer values. Are there more?
RAPI is documented in the source code rapi_proc.h. Here is the latest development release.
OpenEVSE also has a couple developers guides with some RAPI information. The MQTT and HTP guides are attached.
Soloam Reg
Hello all, I'm trying to send some commands to the OpenEVSE via RAPI (happens in all methods, MQTT, HTTP and GUI RAPI). When I send the command $FS (to pause the charging), the system goes into sleep and returns to changing immediately after. If I press sleep in the web gui button or in the physic button, the system goes into sleep. I send the MQTT topic openevse/rapi/in/$FS or the http:<myip>/r?rapi=%24FS
Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
Firmware: 5.0.1
Protocol: 4.0.1
Firmware: 2.8.0
Thank You