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L1 charging with 50 amp kit

I bought a 50 amp open evse in june of 2015 and have used it L2 only without problems. I tried it today with 115 volts and it reverted to the L1 menu, but when i plugged it into the car it hummed and threw a ground fault. I know the circuit is good because my EVSE upgrade brick works just fine with the plug and adapter and the open evse works fine on l2. Is the open evse suitable for l1 charging? Has anything changed with the later kits?

Yes, the Level 2 only stations with a Packard C240C contractor can be converted to level 1 or 2 stations with this part.

I bought the same unit in 2016 and I just experienced the same issue leaving me in a bit of a jam. There was no mention of the lack of L1 support on the product description.  This was one of the features that attracted me to this model in the first place as a flexible mobile unit.  Is there anyway we can be offered a swap out relay so that we might be able to charge via L1 in a pinch?

Stations built with the Packard contactor only work from 208 to 240v (Level 2 only) as the coil is powered directly from the AC Input. 115v is just not enough to close the relay.

Stations built with the Struthers and Dunn relay work from 90 to 264v (Level 1 or Level 2) as the DC relay coil gets its power from the power supply. 

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