I just ordered the 50A level 2 deluxe kit a few days ago. It finally arrived, and when I went to look at the build directions, I see that a new level1/2 kit is being sold. Is the only difference between the kits the contactor? If I order a S&D 450BXX40-12VDC separately, can I then just follow the directions for the level1/2 kit with the existing kit I have?
1 Comment
OpenEVSE Support
over 8 years ago
You will need the contractor, 6AWG ring terminals and QC lugs for the coil and Power terminals.
David Hain
I just ordered the 50A level 2 deluxe kit a few days ago. It finally arrived, and when I went to look at the build directions, I see that a new level1/2 kit is being sold. Is the only difference between the kits the contactor? If I order a S&D 450BXX40-12VDC separately, can I then just follow the directions for the level1/2 kit with the existing kit I have?