I thought you were in Norway..
For US try this http://www.cdistore.com/MinMax/ProductDetail/ABF04D125-MINMAX-POWER-INC/430770/#.VoIjarfUjtw
This one is the same as in OpenEVSE V4.
Thanks, looks to be the same; but kinda pricey. Comes to about $35 after shipping and taxes. Think I'll just get a new OpenEVSE board and leave busted one alone for now. Would be interesting to find out why died, the board worked fine when run off lab power supplies.
Hej Bjørn,
Try Switching power supply 4 W, TMPM 04115, Traco Power. Specs are the same, haven't checked dimensions but it looks identical.
Please note, that the picture in the link above is from another model
Hope it helps :)
Having read http://support.openevse.com/support/solutions/articles/6000055337-charging-station-fails-to-boot
No AC power to AC_Input
- Measured 240V AC OK
LCD 4-pin connector is reversed
- Disconnected
Fuses next to AC_Input on the board blown (labeled "bel")
- Measured ok
Power Supply module has failed
- Measured AC at input, no DC on output.
Any tips on where to get a mpm-04d-1205e replacement?
Bjørn Eikeland
Today as I changed the charging current from 30A to 8A the OpenEVSE just went black on saving the new current and the car stopped charing.
Checked external fuses and wiring, no visiible damage. Thought maybe it was a temperature shutdown, as inside was maybe in the high 40ies.
Not sure if the current changing is related, but timing was spot on.
Tips on where to start looking?