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Rapi or http ?

I keep trying to control the openevse unit with Rapi and that hasn't been successful and in searching the web for help I have read in older posts that Rapi was to be discontinued particularly as it doesn't work well with the wifi module.  

The thing to use is http apparently so I would like to try this but I am not finding anything to help a non-expert like me.

So, is Rapi really not to be used anymore and if so, where can I find some http advice to control my openevse ?

Many thanks,

Correct RAPI is a low level protocol and is no longer exposed externally as APIs now exist for HTTP, MQTT and OCPP. There are also integrations for products like Home Assistant.

If you wish to use RAW RAPI commands, you can run 7.x code on the controller and 4.x code on the WiFi module.

API documentation for the current firmware is here:

I want to do whatever is easiest. A quick clarification if you don't mind : So it's still RAPI commands but sent via, for example, HTTP or MQTT ? 

At the lowest level, the WiFi controller still speaks to the OpenEVSE controller exclusively via RAPI. 

Due to the many features that can control the station, such as timers, solar divert, current shaping, OCPP, Home assistant Integrations (HTTP) and MQTT a claims engine which controls priorities was created to keep it all organized. Sending Raw commands to the controller can get things all jumbled up which is why they were removed in the 5.0.0 WiFi firmware.

Ideally I would use Node-red to control the Openevse as I have already several things controlled that way and they would all need to be considered together for best efficiency. Is Node-red easily usable for controlling the Openevse ?  I have found a couple of flows but the Openevse doesn't actually respond to them. Any flows that you can point to that definitely work with current firmware etc ?

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