> It would appear that HA is controlling the charge current instead of the OpenEVSE?
That is correct, OpenEVSE still does what I want and I have more control over smart logic with HA but I am not using the functionality built in. An example is I have a wholesale power plan where the cost per kW/h is variable by the minute. So, when there is a lot of green energy the price is <10c kW/h, sometimes it is negative where I get paid to charge my car! So with HA I have defined a 'BOOST' mode where depending on my driving needs I can be conservative or aggressive with my power demands based on price & solar. This works really well. Ie. It will charge on surplus solar until the power price gets below 10c kW/h then it goes flat out until the price exceeds this. So, I am probably never going to use the built in logic because I have more flexibilty with HA. I do need a OpenEVSE since it gives me the API for any EV. NB: Tesla has an OOTB API so I can use a normal charger for this vehicle.
After getting some help/answers from the github crew - it is now working.
Seems there's some issues with the software and I needed to understand how it worked.
I was sending both grid_ie and solar using the same http call. Doing this does not work. I had send one or the other and then enable the one I am sending in the settings.
Then in the SolarProduction->Production and Export pages I had to enter a dummy topic for mqtt. Even though mqtt is disabled in the settings.
The github crew will be doing some enhancements that will make this all work better. Reading the issues on github allowed me to understand where they are in the development process.
Right now I have firmware v4.2.2 esp-gateway module and 8.2.2 for the arduino board
It's a great product and will be waiting for the updates to the firmware to make it even better!
Yes! I sent the DELETE to the manual override and it set it to Auto(the robot guy).
Shaper is disabled and self production is enabled.
Eco is enabled.
In this mode the car does not charge. I have to use manual mode to get the charge to start.
When I switch it to Auto (by clicking on the button) is when it does not work. The charge slowly tapers off to 6A. Even though I keep sending data via http.
I have the grid_ie + and - correct.
But what I find interesting in your claims REST command is that you are telling it to charge at the current that is measured by your sensor (total_openevse_amps_available_cheap). That would be manual mode?
It would appear that HA is controlling the charge current instead of the OpenEVSE?
When I update the claim it takes it out of Auto mode and puts it into Manual mode.
I suppose I could do this where I calc and send charge current to OpenEVSE but I was hoping to have
it work in auto mode.
I posted a question on the github page as was suggested. Hopefully I'll get an answer there. The solution, I suspect, is real simple.
OK in playing around with the self production (production and export) settings I see a problem. Even though mqtt and Energy Monitoring (emoncms) are both disabled, it insists I enter a topic. There is a pre-loaded emoncms topic there that I never entered. If I erase it it gives me an error message and won't let me enable Self production. So it seems the code is insisting I use a mqtt or emoncms server.
> My Perl function. The repsonse from the http call is OK and it prints out the response as ssen in the curly
> brackets in the screenshot from the prior post. So it looks like the 2 numbers (PMwatt=grid power;
> INVwatts=pv production) are getting to the openevse.
[Caveat: I have OpenEVSE working happily with Home Assistant and I am not an advanced user. There are many things I do not fully understand and welcome being corrected.]
Ok, I struggled too to get my head around OpenEVSE since there are multiple ways in getting it to act as a solar spunge. My first suggestion is to ensure it is in the right mode. You alluded to this when you asked above about the "robot guy button". One suggestion is changing modes and then sending your commands. My suggestion is it needs to be in the "Enable Charge" and "Eco" modes or "AUTO (Robot)" and "Eco". You will see above with the REST commands I send from Home Assistant I use the "DELETE" method before my charging is enabled. This actually puts it into AUTO mode.
I would check within the configuration that the MQTT shaper is DISABLED and the 'Self Production' is ENABLED.
One other thing that did catch me out when I was using MQTT is the polarity of the Export/Import of your solar surplus. Negative (-) is surplus that the car can consume.
Hope this helps.
You may want to post your question on our GitHub issues page. This is where the Developers of the feature and all the documentation exists.
I'm using the http api from here:
My Perl function. The repsonse from the http call is OK and it prints out the response as ssen in the curly brackets in the screenshot from the prior post. So it looks like the 2 numbers (PMwatt=grid power; INVwatts=pv production) are getting to the openevse.
sub UpdStatus
my %json;
$json{solar} = $INVwatts + 0;
$json{grid_ie} = $PMwatts + 0;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', "$URL/status" );
$req->header( 'Content-Type' => 'Accept: application/json' );
my $response = $ua->request( $req );
printf("%s\n", $response->content);
I think I need some help in understanding what I'm seeing on the esp32 webpages (version2).
On the Esp32 main webpage there's is the robot guy button that says I'll decide (or something like that). Just what does this button do? When I enable it it never charges the car.
On the SelfProduction-Production page I see the my PV production in watts. This number is correct. Then next to is is 0A in red. What does this indicate?
On SelfProduction-Export page Grid Import/Export shows 0W 0A in read. Why does this not show the grid_ie number I'm sending via http?
What is the difference between Production and Export on this webpage?
Sorry for all the questions. But I know this will work if I undertsand how it works and what I'm doing wrong.
> How do I get the charger to adjust charge power based on PV production?
I need a bit more infomation. Are you using the REST Api?
How do I get the charger to adjust charge power based on PV production?
I am sending "grid_ie" and "solar" using http status update every 10 seconds.
Self Production is enabled in the OpenEvse Settings. But it seems to be looking for a feed from mqtt. I do not have mqtt feed.
It starts charging the car at the limit which is set to 40A but then over time the charge tapers down slowly over several minutes to 5.5A
The charger kit is here and assembled. Have not hooked it up to the car yet. But it appears to be working normally. I can communicate with it over http command line as per the specs. And I started a emoncms docker image. The openevse charger communicates with the emomcms server.
The esp32-gateway board works well. Flashed it using the instructions on github.
Thanks to everyone who helped! It got me started.
> "What would be the steps to initiate a charge?"
I use a REST command that is defined within my configuration.yaml to do this. I send it to the OpenEVSE when the amount of current changes based on solar availability.
method: POST
payload: '{"state": "active", "charge_current": {{ states("sensor.total_openevse_amps_available_cheap") }}, "max_current": 40,"energy_limit": 0,"time_limit": 0,"auto_release": false}'
content_type: "application/json"
This REST command enables charging
method: DELETE
content_type: "application/json"
This REST command stops charging
method: POST
payload: '{"state": "disabled"}'
content_type: "application/json"
You could just send the power available in watts to the MQTT broker and let OpenEVSE ECO/Solar Divert/Shaper take it from there.
Could not get the HA docker and eclipse-mosquitto docker to talk with each other. So I'm going back to just running a script to setup charging and the amount of amps to charge. My inverters have no integration with HA but I do have the data available on the linux box.
What would be the steps to initiate a charge?
Claim, config or manual override?
Using the http API from here:
I could not get HA and mosquitto broker to talk to each other. If you have a diy link to getting both docker images to talk I'll see if I can get it working.
In the meantime...
Using http API from here:
What would the sequence of commands be to initiate a charging session? Claim->config or manual override?
We have an EV and a PV system but don't have OpenEVSE yet. Currently I have access to our required revenue grade meters via RS485.
So I have PV power and power to/from the grid available to me on a Linux desktop computer. A simple program can do the math and set charge current on the OpenEVSE.
1. How do I send shell command via http to the OpenEVSE to control it - charge current etc? Or Perl or Python.
I've been finding various Python and other scripts but I apparently don't understand just what RAPI and mqtt is. Like does the OpenEVSE use both communication protocols at the same time?
I would be using the hardwired ethernet board in the OpenEVSE instead of wifi as there is no wifi in the garage where the charger would be located.
2. I guess another option would be to use Home Assistant docker image but how do I get the PV and grid power data to HA?
I'll need some basic baby steps to get me going.