Has anyone tried level1 charging above the J1772 limit of 16 amps? I'd like to hear about the result as we will be taking our 2022 Niro EV to a campground that only has TT-30 (120v 30amp) plugs. This will be a full charge trip without other charging options so I'd like to get the highest charge rate possible (24amps) once we arrive.
1 Comment
OpenEVSE Support
over 3 years ago
We have not heard anything about the Niro specifically, some vehicles support 24A at 120v and others do not.
anyone with a Niro EV:
Has anyone tried level1 charging above the J1772 limit of 16 amps? I'd like to hear about the result as we will be taking our 2022 Niro EV to a campground that only has TT-30 (120v 30amp) plugs. This will be a full charge trip without other charging options so I'd like to get the highest charge rate possible (24amps) once we arrive.