Dear all
My openevse wifi firmware version is 2.8.2
For my own security reasons my mosquitto broker is set up to only accept mqtt messages from clients which have a specific prefix to their client id.
There is no option to set the MQTT client id in the GUI - or is there?
Looking at lines 11 & 12 of
WiFiClient espClient; // Create client for MQTT
PubSubClient mqttclient(espClient); // Create client for MQTT
It look like the mqtt client id is set to the value of espClient
Is the value of espClient the Hostname I can set in the GUI system-->advanced settings?
In other words if I set this host name to have my special prefix, then it should work with my mqtt broker...?
Richard Meredith-Hardy
Dear all
My openevse wifi firmware version is 2.8.2
For my own security reasons my mosquitto broker is set up to only accept mqtt messages from clients which have a specific prefix to their client id.
There is no option to set the MQTT client id in the GUI - or is there?
Looking at lines 11 & 12 of
WiFiClient espClient; // Create client for MQTT
PubSubClient mqttclient(espClient); // Create client for MQTT
It look like the mqtt client id is set to the value of espClient
Is the value of espClient the Hostname I can set in the GUI system-->advanced settings?
In other words if I set this host name to have my special prefix, then it should work with my mqtt broker...?