Correct, Enable/Disable is the same as suspend/resume and will do exactly what you would like.
It is possible to get down to 6A by changing the Level 2 Minimum in the source code to 6 instead of 10. Future releases of the firmware will have the minimum set to 6.
Sylvain Basset
I have questions about RAPI commands.
I plan to build my own Wallbox based on openEVSE plus, with rolling blackout capabilities. To do so, i need to suspend/resume the ongoing charge session:
- if house_total_consumption > 80% max -> suspend the charge
- if house_total_consumption< 70% max -> resume the charge
Is there RAPI command like suspend/restart charge session ??
If not, it is possible to use the "ST" (set timer) command to stop the charge by setting the start time < current time ?
And, in the same flavour:
Does the "SC" (set current) command apply to the current charge session?
ie, it is possible to :
1- start the charge at 16A
2- set the current to 10A with "SC"
3- the charge continues at 10A without restarting