Yes, OpenEVSE does support locking connectors. You will need a 12V supply and a reversible motor driver. The 4 watt supply on OpenEVSE is not nearly enough to drive the lock solenoid. Here is a diagram that shows the output pins on the OpenEVSE controller.
You will also need to enable the locking feature in the firmware.
I have the advanced kit on order (will take some time to arrive).
I have ordered a Charger Type 2 socket, & one option was for a solenoid lock. I can buy the lock later, but feel it would be a good idea. (The lock is either 12 or 24V operation)
I have ordered a socket with flying leads so I do not need to crimp the cables. I am thinking of mounting an ABS box below the EVSE, with the Socket mounted to the box. If I decide to use a Solenoid, I would need to have a signal to power it, plus a supply or transformer. In fact the easiest way might be to power the solenoid from the EVSE Output.
I feel the removable cable will be easier for maintenance, as well as available to use when I charge at carparks which saometimes do not supply cables.
Has anyone investigated the lock solenoid?